The Leadership Strategy Of Principal Of Madrasah About Insemination Of Socio-Culture Value In Madrasah


  • Miftahur Rohman STIT Bustanul 'Ulum Lampung Tengah
  • Ujang Sutisna Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Tanggamus
  • Mahmud Sahroni Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ma’arif Kalirejo



Strategy, Leadership, Principal, Socio-cultural


This research is inspired by the diversity of students in a number of private Madrasah Aliyah, Central Lampung. By purposive sampling, the researchers took two research locations: MAS Roudlotul Huda Padangratu and MAS Bustanul 'Ulum Jayasakti. The selection of the two locations was based on the fact that the principals of the two madrasahs could be managed well by the diversity of students. This qualitative study aims to determine the leadership role of the madrasah principal in inseminating socio-cultural values ​​in the madrasah. By using documentation, observation, and in-depth interviews with madrasah leaders and several teachers, this study concludes that socio-cultural values ​​are madrasah's efforts to improve student competence through the leadership role of the madrasah principal. Among the leadership strategies of the madrasah head are habituation strategies, exemplary strategies, value internalization strategies, policy strategies (power strategies), and persuasive communication strategies.


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How to Cite

Rohman, M., Sutisna, U., & Sahroni, M. (2022). The Leadership Strategy Of Principal Of Madrasah About Insemination Of Socio-Culture Value In Madrasah. MindSet : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 1(2), 86–97.


